  1. Heaven

From the recording Dig


Why you're always talkin' 'bout heaven
What's wrong with this world
Why you're always talkin' 'bout heaven
As if somebody's let you down
Don't tell me that they've let you down

We're living in different worlds
I can't walk the streets of your town
You breath a richer air
I wouldn't want to see you drown
I couldn't stand to see you down

Chorus 1
Nothing breaks your heart like a chill that's in the wind
But you must play your part in a world that shuts you in
And keeps you down

Look down from your heavens
And shed some light on this earth
Will we ever find heaven
Free from birth

Chorus 2
I'm here and in your arms for this world
I'm here and in your arms
for this world is not ours
I'm looking out through your eyes
What hope holds your skies for this world

In the end I just want you to know
I want you to go
I just couldn't go and bring you down
Something about the ground
My feet firmly planted in the ground
In world